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Porodične igre

Jaipur ( SR )
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Model: 3558380092469
You are one of the two most powerful traders in the city of Jaipur, the capital of Rajasthan, but that's not enough for you because only the merchant with two "seals of excellence" will have the privilege of being invited to the Maharaja's court. You are therefore going to have to do better than you..
2,990 RSD
Bez PDV-a:2,990 RSD
Nema na stanju
Model: 3558380063933
You are one of the two most powerful traders in the city of Jaipur, the capital of Rajasthan, but that's not enough for you because only the merchant with two "seals of excellence" will have the privilege of being invited to the Maharaja's court. You are therefore going to have to do better than you..
2,890 RSD
Bez PDV-a:2,890 RSD
Model: 5902560382044
Imperial Settlers: Roll & Write is a standalone game set in the universe of Imperial Settlers and Imperial Settlers: Empires of the North. The game is heavily focused on engine building! Constructing buildings grants you a special bonus, and with each passing turn the game offers you more choice..
3,390 RSD
Bez PDV-a:3,390 RSD
Hey , That`s my  fish
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Model: 841333100156
Hey, That's My Fish!, players want to catch as many fish as possible with their waddle of penguins. Each turn, a player moves one penguin in a straight line over hex-shaped ice tiles with 1, 2 or 3 fish on them. The player then collects the hex from where the penguin started its movement from the ta..
1,990 RSD
Bez PDV-a:1,990 RSD
Model: 4260071880352
Haste Worte? Das Wurfelspiel transformiše dugovečnu komunikacijsku igru u igru kockica. Kockice određuju kategoriju u kojoj igrači treba da pronađu prave reči, ali pazite! Uslovi koje ispunite ne daju vam nužno bodove, a drugi igrači mogu da vas izazovu za uslove! Samo ako pažljivo razmislite i stal..
990 RSD
Bez PDV-a:990 RSD
Happy Bunny
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Model: 3770000904802
U ovoj kooperativnoj igri, pomažete zecu da odabere najbolju šargarepu koju će odneti svojoj porodici, čupajući je iz kutije baš kao što biste i vi iz zemlje. Morate ih prvo testirati da biste pronašli najukusnije! Pažljivo berite – sve izgrizene šargarepe su za zeca, a one netaknute za seljaka ko..
2,490 RSD
Bez PDV-a:2,490 RSD
Fantastiqua: Rucksack edition
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Model: 609456646994
Welcome to the wild, weird world of FANTASTIQA! Fantastiqa is a deck-building board game set in a fantastical landscape of dark forests, mist-shrouded highlands, and frozen wastes. As you and your foes journey around the board, you will subdue strange creatures and fulfill fabulous quests. Each crea..
2,290 RSD
Bez PDV-a:2,290 RSD
Fado : Duets and Impromptus
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Model: 9503208677988
„Veliki dan Fada“ dolazi. Ovo je nezapamćeni događaj, očekuju se hiljade turista i ljubitelja Fada iz svih krajeva sveta. Na organizaciji događaja rade menadžeri iz cele zemlje. Od severa do juga Portugala planirane su jedna, dve, pa čak i tri predstave istovremeno. Biće to dani, noći, a ponekad i..
1,990 RSD
Bez PDV-a:1,990 RSD
Model: 3760146644045
Neka predstava počne!Imate samo jedan cilj u ovoj igri: da zabavite publiku! Konkurencija je opasna, ali vi možete da napravite najneverovatniji cirkus tako što ćete da predložite najneverovatnije tačke! Akrobate, konji i mnogi dodaci su vam na raspolaganju! Potrudite se da izvedete dobru generalnu ..
4,490 RSD
Bez PDV-a:4,490 RSD
Mafija : Osveta
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Model: 9788661634437
MAFIJA - (društvena igra skrivenih uloga, sa elemetima blefiranja, ubeđivanja, pregovaranja,) „Mafija” je svetski poznata igra (u našoj zemlji je veoma popularna kao party igra skrivenih uloga – od 6- 17 igrača) u kojoj su igrači podeljeni u dva tima, GRAĐANE koji pokušavaju da otkriju i eliminišu k..
1,790 RSD
Bez PDV-a:1,790 RSD
Model: 841333116781
Once worshipped as a goddess for her ability to control the weather, Ororo Munroe left that life behind when she answered Charles Xavier’s call for help. Now, Ororo uses her powers to defend mutants around the world as one of the mighty X-Men, Storm. This mighty mutant soars into battle with this ex..
2,990 RSD
Bez PDV-a:2,990 RSD
Marvel Champions: Wolverine Hero Pack
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Model: 841333116774
Gifted with a powerful healing factor and armed with adamantium claws that can cut through anything, the hero known as Wolverine is a force to be reckoned with. Though trained as a killer by Weapon X, Wolverine has dedicated his life to helping others as one of the X-Men, and now he tears his way in..
2,990 RSD
Bez PDV-a:2,990 RSD
Prikaži od 637 do 648 od 794 (67 stranica)
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